What's wrong with our rivers?
Standing on the mossy banks of the river Dart, watching the peat brown water bubble and churn its way through a maze of granite boulders that are overshadowed by a forest of gaunt, fern encrusted…
Standing on the mossy banks of the river Dart, watching the peat brown water bubble and churn its way through a maze of granite boulders that are overshadowed by a forest of gaunt, fern encrusted…
Rejoice! The World’s governments have finally committed to protect 30% of the world’s oceans! After marathon negotiations, a new High Seas Treaty has been agreed in New York.
It's been two months since the UK Government launched an Attack On Nature, through a raft of announcements which had an overarching tone of deregulation. DWT's CEO Harry Barton gives an…
This is a dark time for our natural world. We’ve just experienced the worst drought in living memory and a summer pockmarked by wildfires, rivers swollen with sewage and beaches closed due to the…
What is needed to create a system which is fairer for farmers, better for consumers and will help heal the planet?
Devon Wildlife Trust's CEO Harry Barton reflects on the government's recently published Energy Independence Plan and what this means for people, nature and the climate.
On Tuesday 1 March, Government announced that a banned neonicotinoid will now be applied to sugar beet crops in England, going against explicit advice from their own experts - bad news for bees…
The first significant announcement from Defra since COP 26 does not give much cause for celebration
As COP26 closes in Glasgow, CEO of Devon Wildlife Trust Harry Barton reflects on the decisions made at the summit and what it means for the world, the UK and Devon.
This month the international conference on climate change, COP26, starts. For two weeks, the World’s leaders will huddle together to discuss once again how to tackle what is possibly the greatest…