Chris Gomersall/2020VISION
Get in touch
We love to hear about your experiences of beautiful wildlife in Devon, particularly if you have wildlife photos to share! Please use the drop-down menu below to guide you to the relevant contact details for your query.
Please note: we are unable to deal with sick, injured, or dead animals. Please see below for information on appropriate contacts for such queries.
Help identifying a species
If you need help identifying a species try our species finder or visit our exploring nature at home page which has lots of great spotter sheets to help you to identify wildlife in your area. If you need further assistance, you can email hdesk@devonwildlifetrust.org
Report a wildlife sighting
Have you seen some interesting wildlife and would like to record your sighting? Please use the Devon Biodiversity Records Centre (DBRC) wildlife sighting form.
Remember the 4 W’s when sending in a sighting:
What - what did you see?
When - date you saw it?
Where - where did you see it?
Who - who saw it?
Wildlife in your garden
There are many ways to help wildlife in your garden, from building a bug mansion to creating a pond. Visit our gardening for wildlife page for ideas and how-to-guides to make your garden a haven for wildlife.
Already an avid gardener? Why not sign up for the wildlife garden award!
As a nature conservation charity, we encourage people to embrace and support nature in their gardens. Please be tolerant of all wildlife that visits your garden – from pigeons and magpies to wasps and flies – they are all vital to a healthy garden.
Removing wildlife from your garden is not a service that we are able to provide and many species such as amphibians and reptiles are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and are important components of the ecosystem.
Dead or injured animal
Unfortunately, we do not have the facilities or expertise to deal with sick, injured, or dead animals. For wildlife advice please visit this page or contact one of the following animal rescue organisations for support:
- RSPCA - 0300 1234 999
- North Devon Animal Ambulance - 07817 995751
- Secret World Wildlife Rescue – 07717651515
- Littlest Wildlife Hotel (North Devon) - 07481 801447
- ELM Wildlife Hedgehog Rescue - 07971 276658
We can, however, help you with any dead marine wildlife strandings or any marine life which is being disturbed.
- If you find a dead marine animal, please call 07719 086531 or email strandings@ devonwildlifetrust.org
- If you’ve witnessed an incident of marine wildlife disturbance, please report is as soon as possible to Falmouth Coastguard on 01326 317575 or in an emergency call 999 and ask for the Coastguard
- If you find a live, stranded animal in difficulty, please call British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) immediately on 01825 765546 (office hours) or 07787 433412 (out of hours).
There have been instances of H5N1 Avian bird flu found in birds in Devon. Whilst the risk to human health is small, we advise that you DO NOT touch any sick or dead birds. If you find any dead or sick waterfowl (ducks, swans, geese), gulls, seabirds, birds of prey, or more than five of any other species together, please report them to Defra here or on 03459 335577.
If you feed your garden birds, clean bird feeders regularly, and change water daily. If you see any sick or dead birds in your garden remove your feeders, to help to prevent the spread of disease.
Report a wildlife crime
If you witness a wildlife crime taking place, call 999. For a non-emergency, call 101. If you would prefer to give information regarding a crime anonymously, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Not sure if you have witnessed wildlife crime? You can find detailed information on the different types of wildlife crime here.
Do you need help and advice? Not sure where to look or who to speak to? Why not AskNED – Devon and Cornwall Police’s non-emergency directory. AskNED combines the most asked questions with contact details of those who can help.
Beavers are the most amazing animals, capable of transforming our rivers and wetlands for the better, reducing flood risk and improving biodiversity. Devon wildlife Trust led on the reintroduction of beavers to Devon, and you can find lots of information about beavers on our beaver page. If you need to contact us with a beaver related query, please contact beavers@devonwildlifetrust.org
If you cannot reach someone for immediate advice using the email above and the emergency relates to the welfare of a beaver, such as an injured or trapped animal please contact RSPCA via 0300 1234 999 or visit What To Do With Injured Wild Animals | RSPCA
Other wildlife query
If you have any other wildlife query, please contact hdesk@devonwildlifetrust.org
Land management advice
Devon Wildlife Trust offers advice to landowners on habitats and wildlife, management of nutrients, soil, pesticides, yard infrastructure and watercourse management. Where possible we aim to solve issues using natural solutions. We also support and work with farmers and land owners on a full range of funding streams including grants to help them achieve these outcomes.
The Farm Advice and Conservation Services (FACS) team are also able to provides an extensive range of conservation services, which are practical and mechanical solutions to aid you with achieving conservation outcomes. This includes an extensive range of habitat creation works and conservation land management, including conservation grazing, swaling, wild flower seeds and much more.
Our land advisors work across the whole of Devon. However, if you are in specific river catchments within Devon, we might be able to provide 1:1 advice about your land free of charge. Please fill out the form linked below, which will be passed on to our FACS team so they can get in touch.
Membership and donations
If you are interested in joining our members community, please visit our 'Become a member' webpage or if you've signed up for membership before, you can renew your membership online. Alternatively, if you want to discuss a donation or your membership with us (such as needing to update your details or contact preferences), you can do so by contacting supportercare@devonwildlifetrust.org or by calling our friendly Supporter Care Team on 01392 279244.
If you are interested in fundraising for Devon Wildlife Trust, we'd love to hear from you! Please email contactus@devonwildlifetrust.org or you can take a look at our webpage.
Donations in memory of a loved one
If you are considering making a donation to Devon Wildlife Trust in memory of a loved one, please take a look at this webpage for more information. Such gifts make a real difference to our work for wildlife.
Leaving a gift in your Will to protect Devon’s wildlife and wild places
Gifts in Wills are vital if we are to achieve a wilder future for Devon, funding much of our work to protect and restore our environment. If you’re considering leaving a gift in your Will to protect Devon’s wildlife and wild places and would like further information, or have already done so and would like to let us know, please contact Hannah Best via hbest@devonwildlifetrust.org
Emergency at Exeter Valley Parks or a nature reserve
Our office is open on weekdays from 9am to 5pm - 01392 279244. If you would like to report an emergency on one of our nature reserves or Exeter Valley Parks out of office hours, please contact 07535 150543.
Please note that we are unable to deal with sick or injured animals. Please visit the ‘Dead or injured animal’ drop-down option for details of the appropriate services.
Please call the emergency services on 999 if there is a crime in progress or a risk to life.
Media, press or film
We love to share stories and news on all the amazing work taking place across Devon. If you have a media, press or film enquiry please contact Steve Hussey at shussey@devonwildlifetrust.org or 01392 279244.
If you are thinking of using one of our nature reserves for your business activity, for filming or holding an event, please see this page.
Are you looking for opportunities to volunteer with Devon Wildlife Trust, or do you want to keep up to date with volunteering opportunities, news and appeals? If so, please visit the volunteering page here.
Community enquiry
Are you part of a community that is looking for help and advice on how to improve the greenspaces on your doorstep? Perhaps you have an idea on how to ‘re-wild’ your street, village or town but need some guidance? Or are you a small landowner (less than 5 hectares) looking to help wildlife? Then our Wilder Communities team would love to hear from you! Please visit the Wilder Communities page or email wildercommunities@devonwildlifetrust.org
Citizen science
Taking part in a citizen survey and recording your sightings helps identify the state of nature across the UK. Information collected by thousands of ordinary people helps us understand where animals are found and how they behave. Over time, we can use this information to learn about daily, seasonal, and yearly changes in species, the habitats that species use and favour, and how we can improve the chances of survival for our wildlife.
If you would like to take part in some citizen science, find out how here.
Planning enquiry
We regularly receive requests from the public asking us to intervene on planning applications and decisions. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to deal with the thousands of planning applications that are submitted each year, currently we are focusing on:
- Campaigning for a planning reform which delivers the Government’s legally binding target in the Environment Act to halt species decline by 2030
- Enabling individuals and communities to object to a planning application for development on wildlife grounds with a step-by-step guide - see our Objection Checklist here and visit The Wildlife Trusts website
Devon Wildlife Trust has no legal power to stop any direct threats to wildlife. If you believe a protected species or habitat is under immediate threat, please contact the police at 101 (in non-emergency cases) and ask to speak to the Wildlife Crime Officer.
Wembury Marine Centre
Wembury Marine Centre works with numerous visitors, local schools, the general public and the wider Wembury community to raise awareness of marine conservation issues and to encourage others to take action to protect our seas. It’s the perfect place to learn about the surrounding area and its wildlife through interactive and informative displays, regular Rockpool & Snorkel Safaris and other marine themed events.
Wembury Marine Centre, Church Road, Wembury, Plymouth PL9 0HP
01752 862538
Farming Advice and Conservation Services
Please email facs@devonwildlifetrust.org for our Farming Advice and Conservation Services.
General enquiries
If you haven’t been able to find what you are looking for then please email us at contactus@devonwildlifetrust.org and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Or call 01392 279244.
Head Office
Devon Wildlife Trust
Cricklepit Mill
Commercial Road
01392 279244
Office hours: Monday-Friday 9.00am-5.00pm
Place of Registration: Registered in England and Wales
Registered Charity Number: 213224
Registration Number: 733321