Where to go this season - winter

Emsworthy nature reserve in the snow

Emsworthy in the snow. Photo, Andrew Taylor

Where to go this season

In winter it may seem as if Devon’s wildlife goes to ground. But if you know where to look there’s so much to discover...

The bight at Dawlish Inner Warren nature reserve

The bight, Dawlish Inner Warren. Photo, Simon Williams

Get great views of winter wading birds from the hides at South Efford Marsh (near Kingsbridge) and Dawlish Inner Warren (near Dawlish) nature reserves.

Spot flocks of avocets as they feed on mudflats along the edge of the Exe Reed Bed (near Exeter) nature reserve.

Find the lichens as they cling to the wind-blown stone walls which stretch across Bellever Moor and Meadows (Dartmoor) nature reserve.

Waves crashing against the rocks at Wembury beach

Wembury east

Search along the strandline for shells, seaweed, mermaid’s purses (shark/ray egg cases) and cuttlefish bones close to Wembury Marine Centre (near Plymouth).

Hear the chattering alarm calls of redwings and fieldfares as they search for food in the fields of Ash Moor (near Hatherleigh) and Ashculm Turbury (near Cullompton) nature reserves.

Other wild places to go this winter

Crunch frosted leaves beneath your feet on a brisk winter’s walk through our Dunsford nature reserve (near Exeter).

Your winter highlights

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