Wildflower Volunteer
Photo, Andy Thatcher
Devon Wildlife Trust seeks to promote, enhance create and restore habitats, species and maximise environmental gain through providing advice and support to implement sustainable land management practices.
The Working Wetlands team through the Upstream Thinking Programme: work to promote sustainable land management practices by advising and supporting farmers and landowners. We also advise on and physically deliver a wide range of habitat enhancement, restoration, and creation activity which, includes: culm and species rich grasslands, wetlands of various kinds river re-naturalisation and natural flood management works to benefit the wider environment.
We are looking for volunteers to help with hand harvesting and collecting wildflower seeds, planting and propagating the plants, managing a polytunnel and support in planting and establishing plug plants and to receptor sites. There may be support in various other practical tasks connected to brush harvesting seed, seed processing and seed storage as part of the role.
The following skills would be useful for the role:
- An interest, knowledge and experience of wild flower plants, an understanding of the plants needs and horticulture & gardening would be highly advantageous, but not critical.
- Being able to venture over farmland and investigate habitats often in steep and wet areas to collect seed or to establish plants in the correct place.
- Being able to behave professionally with other volunteers, land owners and members of the Working Wetlands team
- The ability to listen and follow instructions
This role will be focused at the Cookworthy DWT office site.
For further information, please see the role profile below.
Contact details
If you’d like to get involved or have any questions, please email volunteering@devonwildlifetrust.org with a brief explanation of why you think you would be suited for the role.