Mark Hamblin/2020VISION
Ash dieback and 'Ash Archive'
Ash dieback is expected to impact up to 90% of our ash trees
There are around 1.9 million mature ash trees outside of woodlands in Devon with up to 90% of them predicted to be affected by ash dieback. Ash dieback is a fungal disease which originated in Asia and was first recognised in the UK in 2012. Sadly our native ash trees have no natural defence against it.

Robert Darch
Ash trees produce small white fruiting bodies which release spores. The spores can blow tens of miles away and land on the leaves of other ash trees. They then penetrate the leaf allowing the fungus to grow inside the trees, blocking it’s water transport systems and eventually causing it to die. You can read more information about ash dieback and what to do if you suspect it here.
To ensure the ash tree is not forgotten, the Saving Devon’s Treescapes project has created an 'Ash Archive'. This is a central place for people to share their emotional and artistic response to ash dieback. Whether it’s a painting, poem or photo, everything is welcome. Please submit your work here.
In 2020/21 we also commissioned local photographer, Robert Darch, to capture ash dieback in the landscape and the replanting efforts. His work is harrowing but beautiful and you can view it here.