Wilder Diaries: Edwards Court

Wilder Diaries: Edwards Court

Emily Perryman

Edwards Court, run by Exeter City Council, provides affordable extra care housing for people with care and support needs aged over 55. We have been working with the Council to facilitate a gardening group to help get the residents out into the garden and connecting with nature.

How did it all begin?

Edwards Court has a beautiful garden space, with fruit beds, herb and sensory areas and trees. It is an absolute haven for wildlife. But the space is managed by gardeners which meant that the residents had little opportunity to look after the gardens themselves. Having previously worked with the Council at Grandisson Court grow the residents ideas for wildlife, they invited us along to help set up a gardening group with the community at Edwards Court.

We have taken over three raised beds, which had become somewhat bare and neglected. As with all the communities we have met as part of Nextdoor Nature, we started with listening. What did the residents want from this space? What did they want to see? A regular gardening group was a must for the patients and space to grow the plants they wanted to see.

What was important to Edwards Court?

For one resident, it was important that we created opportunities for birds, like feeders and baths. She shared with us how she loved wildlife but they didn’t really see any in the garden. Another resident, shared her memories of her mother’s garden which she recalled was beautiful and she learnt everything she knows about gardening from her mother. She would love to see more flowers and colour in the garden, she finds at the moment there are lots of grasses! Memories of plants was a common theme for residents, with many sharing plants they used to grow or those they loved to see, we noted each of these down so that we could incorporate them into the design of the planting beds.

An elderly woman next to a flower bed

Emily Perryman

What sorts of things have been done to help wildlife?

Where there was once bare ground there are now beds bursting with flowers! In the autumn lots of bulbs were planted ready for spring, providing early food for pollinators. Seeds have been sown for summer flowering plants, like cosmos and sunflowers and we have created a sensory bed with a mix of herbs and flowers. The garden did already benefit from some sensory areas, however these are at ground level and inaccessible to many of the residents. By creating a sensory bed in the raised areas, it means that the community as well as the wildlife can get close to the plants. Elsewhere within the garden a wildflower meadow has been sown and a previously empty compost bin is now being used. Filled with clippings and unwanted plants in the garden, ready to be used in the beds!

Flower bed

Emily Perryman

What has the impact been for the residents of Edwards Court?

A little rain won’t stop the residents from Edwards Court getting out in the garden, as they joined us hats at the ready for planting and seed sowing in April!

Ruth shared with us how all the residents keep saying how beautiful the gardens are and how lovely it is to have such a burst of colour. Ruth is keen that the progress in the garden is shared, helping Emily (Nextdoor Nature Officer) to find the best shots of the garden to share in the residents newsletter and encouraging more people to come along. Ruth has been making sure that the seedlings are kept watered and have enough light.

Therese, is partially sighted and is keen to make sure it doesn’t stop her from getting involved in the garden. She told us how she can see the colour and can’t wait each day to come down and see her flowers, which she feeds with tea! Therese has been telling all of her friends about the gardening group, ‘if i can do it, they can too, even if they just come along for a chat’. We hope that having the sensory plants in the raised beds will mean that Therese will also be able to enjoy the smell, touch and sound of the plants.

A woman in a wheelchair by a flower bed next to a man digging in the flower bed

Emily Perryman

What is next for Edwards Court?

More plants! The seedlings are growing and once they are a little bigger and the weather warms, we will be planting these out in the beds. Alan another resident has picked out a spot for the sunflowers and we have been chatting about choosing which one we think will grow the tallest!

Everyone is very keen to see more birds in the garden, we are planning some feeding stations, bird baths and spotter sheets to help identify the birds.

Cream teas! James from Exeter City Council is planning a garden party to celebrate what the garden group have done and bring more residents out into the space!