Defend Nature

Dead yellowhammer at side of the road


#DefendNature: We Need You

Healthy wildlife and a thriving environment are the answer to many of the challenges we face today. Throughout the election campaign, it became clear that people know that our natural world is in crisis and want politicians to make the bold and ambitious commitments to reverse the decline. It is now up to the new government to deliver on their mandate to respond to the major concern the public have over the state of our environment.

Read our priorities for the next government

How you can help: step-by-step

Otter in river

Luke Massey


Send a 'letter to the Editor'

Using our simple form, you will be matched up with your nearest local newspaper Editor and can send your letter direct.

Send your letter to the Editor




Send your MP a postcard

Ask your MP to #DefendNature by sending a postcard that will land on the doormat of their office. 

Choose your postcard




A poster at a climate march reads: "I want you to act as you would in a crisis. Act like our house is on fire because it is!"

Write to your MP

  1. Find your MP here
  2. Send your letter by post or email to your MP
Further guidance here



Climate march COP26

Climate march Nottingham by Leanne Manchester


Write to your local Councillor*

(*This impacts where you live and they need to speak up too!)

  1. Find your Councillor here
  2. Send your letter by post or email to your Councillor.




Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography


Tweet your MP

We've made it easy for you to highlight your views directly with your MP. Use this simple form to post a message on Twitter (X).

Tweet now

Why are The Wildlife Trusts and other environmental charities so concerned?

As the impacts of the nature and climate crises worsen, it is clear that the new government will be increasingly judged on their environmental record - and expectations from voters remain high.

You can read more about these issues in our blogs shared below.

 We will never stop campaigning for the natural world.