Exmouth Local Group
All are welcome to join our active local group!
Please email exmouthdwt@gmail.com to be added to our mailing list. We will send out information about events we organize and other information relevant to the aims of the Devon Wildlife Trust (Charity no. 213224) with a focus on our local area. You can unsubscribe on request at any time.
Our main activities are:
- Walks
- Talks (online or indoor at Glenorchy Hall, Exmouth)
- Fundraising
We also have a regular newsletter, you can click on the link below to see a sample. If you would like to receive it, please email the above email address and ask to be added to our mailing list.
We cover (broadly) the area from Exmouth, up the Exe Estuary to the M5 and east to the River Otter.
There is one Devon Wildlife Trust Reserve in our area - Bystock (more information below).
Bystock Discovery Day
Bystock Pools
There are regular work parties at Bystock Pools Nature Reserve that Exmouth Local Group have historical involvement in. If you're interested in this, or any other volunteering, you can visit the Volunteering Opportunity page here, to see our current volunteering opportunities.
Keep up to date with Bystock News here
Take a moment of self-care and enjoy this mindfulness trail at Bystock Pools reserve. This trail, designed by Clare Carter, just won outstanding in the “it’s your neighbourhood” RHS/southwest Britain in bloom.
Further information
Contact Mary Turner for general information (ExmouthDWT@gmail.com)
Contact Edric Hopkinson for Bystock conservation work party information (01647 253 800 / ehopkinson@devonwildlifetrust.org)
For up-to-date information on all local group events, please visit the Devon Wildlife Trust events webpage.
See all of Exmouth Local Group's events
Looking for other volunteer opportunities?
From practical conservation tasks, like cutting back bracken and hedge-laying, to answering queries on our wildlife help-desk and engaging with the public at our events - we have lots of different volunteer opportunities just waiting for you to get involved in.