Learn more about beavers

Beaver swimming with its head just above the water

Beaver swimming with its head just above the water © Russell Savory

Learn more about beavers

A vision for the return of beavers to England and Wales

The Wildlife Trusts believe that now is the time to be granting licences to reintroduce more beavers into the wild in preference to fenced enclosures. This would enable beavers to become part of our native ecology, providing our beleaguered wetlands with the most powerful natural restoration tool, and a host of benefits to society. Read more below:

Beaver Vision for England and Wales

In February 2025 the government announced that beavers were allowed to live wild in English rivers for the first time in centuries.  Read our response to this landmark decision here.

Research and evidence behind beaver reintroduction

The restoration of Eurasian beavers into the English landscape has been spearheaded by work carried out in Devon. The decision to allow the return of this iconic wetland species has been based on the detailed scientific evidence gathered by the DWT team, working closely with researchers at the University of Exeter. Read more about the research DWT has led and been involved with below.

Beaver Conference 2023: Restoring beavers to the British landscape

Between 18 - 20 April 2023, we were pleased to collaborate with University of Exeter and Beaver Trust on the Beaver Conference to share latest understanding from beaver research, policy and management to over 200 international delegates. Read the summary, including national policy and landowner perspectives, here:

Beaver Conference 2023 Summary

In 2022, Devon Wildlife Trust helped produce a ground breaking report on how beavers can aid flood management. It explored the views of communities downstream of beavers in Cornwall, Yorkshire, and the Forest of Dean. The study showed varied opinions and stressed the importance of involving locals in decisions. It suggests combining beavers with other natural methods for better flood management.

Beavers and flood alleviation

Devon Beavers: Ecological changes in the Enclosed Beaver Project

Covering the ecological changes made at DWT's Enclosed Beaver Project site since the first beavers were introduced more than a decade ago, the Devon Beavers report was published in early 2022. Click below to read the report:

River Otter Beaver Trial

The River Otter Beaver Trial ran from 2015 to 2020 – it was England’s first wild beaver re-introduction project, with beavers not in fenced enclosures but free to establish territories along the full length of the River Otter and its tributaries. You can find details on the research carried out as part of the project to assess the impacts of wild beavers throughout the catchment, along with evidence on management of potential conflicts between different uses of the landscape by beavers and humans below:

River Otter Beaver Trial

Beavers - Nature's Water Engineers

In 2017, a report was produced by DWT and the University of Exeter summarising the research from the Enclosed Beaver Project site. Read the report below:

Beavers - Nature's Water Engineers

Further reading

For those interested in how beavers affect flood patterns, specifically whether their dams help slow water flow during storms, and the effectiveness of leaky barriers as natural flood management methods, we’ve provided two reports below that explore these topics in more detail.

Beavers' impact on flood regimes

Natural flood management methods

Beaver FAQ's

What benefits do beavers bring?

Beavers are nature's water engineers. On rivers where beavers are present, their activity provides the following benefits:

  • Reducing impacts of flooding downstream by engineering pools and canals that hold water and release it slowly back into the watercourse
  • Creating wetland habitats that increase diversity and abundance of wildlife including amphibians, aquatic insects, water voles and wetland birds
  • Increasing biomass of fish in rivers: beaver dams provide space for juvenile fish to shelter and feed
  • Improving water quality: beaver dams trap silt that has been washed off the land, including soil that has been treated with chemical fertilizer. Water is cleaner after passing through a beaver dam
  • Encouraging wildlife tourism and increasing people’s appreciation for - and engagement with – the natural world

How will beavers in the wild be managed to keep them safe?

Beavers were last widespread on England's waterways 500 years ago. Human use of the landscape has changed dramatically while beavers have been absent so it's important to find a way to minimise conflict between beaver and human activity. For example: while beaver activity can reduce the impact of flooding throughout a river catchment, beaver dams can create localised flooding on land close to a dam. A management framework allows conservation professionals to assist landowners in finding solutions to such localised problems.

Do beavers need legal protection?

Beavers are a native species that was hunted to extinction in Britain.  Although they are now returning, they still exist in small and isolated populations that are still very vulnerable.  Legal measures are now in place to safeguard these recovering populations to prevent persecution by a small number of people, but they must also enable straightforward management of conflicts to ensure ongoing support from landowners. Find out more here.

Do beavers eat fish?

Beavers are herbivores so do not eat fish. Beavers and fish populations evolved together so salmon and trout historically thrived in rivers heavily impacted by beavers. Research in Europe and North America shows the presence of beavers on a river has more positive than negative impacts on a wide range of fish species. This is due to new habitats created in rivers and streams, the cleaner water and the enhanced flows during droughts.  In some instances, especially in dry conditions, beaver dams can create barriers for migratory fish such as sea trout.  Most beaver dams are likely to be further upstream of important salmon migration routes. The River Otter Beaver Trial showed the beneficial impacts on fish populations and even filmed sea trout jumping a beaver dam.  However further research is needed in different river systems - chalk streams, for example - on how these fish species and beavers can share watercourses that have been heavily modified by humans. 

What impact do beavers have on trees?

Beavers rarely move more than 10 metres from water so will only coppice or fell trees that are within this distance from a river. While they will occasionally cut larger trees, the majority of trees felled by beavers on the River Otter have been no more than 3cm in diameter. By far the most favoured tree species is willow, which grows back very quickly when cut. Where beavers might impact on trees situated near a waterway where the trees have commercial value (such as orchards) or sentimental value (such as in gardens) action can be taken to protect the tree(s) either by beaver-proof fencing or beaver-repellent 'paint'.

Will landowners be paid to have beavers on their land?

DWT believes there should be incentives for farmers and landowners to make land close to waterways available where beavers could create wetland habitats. This land would be contributing to increases in biodiversity - and to flood and drought resilience - so it is important that landowners have a way to value these ecosystem services, ensuring benefits to the natural environment are not in competition with commercial use of the land. 

Are the wild populations viable if they are based on such a small number of individuals?

In the short term this is not an issue but in the future some very small beaver populations may need supporting by introducing animals with a different genetic make-up to prevent inbreeding.

What happens if beavers naturally spread to other river catchments?

Beavers will naturally disperse to other river catchments and they will be allowed to stay there. However, Devon Wildlife Trust or other locally based organisations may need to set up a local management group to ensure that the beaver population is monitored and that the local community are supported to live with their new beaver neighbours and that any potential issues are handled appropriately.

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