Giving is simple
Making or updating a Will is an important way for you to record your personal wishes. Ensuring that you can take care of your loved ones and the causes you care about.
If you are writing your Will, after you have taken care of those closest to you, could you include a gift in your Will to Devon Wildlife Trust - creating a future where nature thrives?
Include a gift in your Will - It's easy
Whether you are planning on writing your Will for the first time, or looking to update an existing Will, it is always a good idea to seek the advice of a solicitor, but this does not mean it is difficult.
You do not have to make lots of complicated decisions. A simple Will may state that you would like a % of your estate to be left to family or friends and a % to Devon Wildlife Trust. It can be as straightforward as that.
To include a gift to Devon Wildlife Trust you will need to give your solicitor the following details. Our address:
Devon Wildlife Trust, Cricklepit Mill, Commercial Road, Exeter, Devon EX2 4AB and our charity number: 213224
If you have any questions about making a gift in your Will to Devon Wildlife Trust, please contact Hannah Best.
Contact Hannah for a chat on 01392 279244 or email

Anne Coatesy/ Shutterstock
Will Writing Service
To make it easy for you, we have partnered with two Will writing services for Devon Wildlife Trust supporters

A Solicitors Service
Tozers solicitors offer a *Free Will Service for Devon Wildlife Trust supporters year round (subject to availability).
*The Free Will Service is available to Devon Wildlife Trust supporters and applies to simple Wills and excludes more complex Wills and tax planning. Tozers LLP offer to waive their fee for writing simple Wills year round subject to availability. In return they invite you to make a donation to Devon Wildlife Trust. Although you are under no obligation to do so in order to use the free Will service, DWT would be grateful for any donation and would like to thank you for supporting Devon’s wildlife.
If you would like to find out more about this free Will offer, please contact Hannah Best:- 01392 279244 or email
Online Will writing service
You can make your Will online here It costs £60 for a single Will or £90 for a double Will and Devon Wildlife Trust will receive a £20 donation for every purchase made. Make a Will Online is a trusted charity partner. They are members of the Society of Will Writers and every Will made through their website is checked by a fully qualified UK solicitor.
When you make a Will online using the above link, we will be advised that a Will has been made. You can also choose to share your name and contact details, which will allow us to say thank you. We recognise that some supporters may choose not to share this information. You can use the following link to make an online will without us learning that a Will has been made.
Whichever way you choose to remember us in your Will we are enormously grateful.
Find out how leaving a gift in your Will can make a vital difference to Devon’s wildlife in the brochure below
Some common questions answered
Writing your Will can seem daunting, but it really doesn’t have to be. We have put together some answers to common questions that may help you.
If you have further questions or would like to discuss making a gift in your Will to Devon Wildlife Trust, do get in touch by calling Hannah Best on 01392 279244 or email
Thank you.
How do I find a solicitor?
You can find a local solicitor using the Law Society website.
Why should I make a Will?
A Will is the only way of making sure your loved ones are provided for in the way you wish. Verbal agreements made during your lifetime have no legal effect, so those close to you may not receive what you intended. If you were to die without a Will, a court will appoint administrators to distribute everything you own in a process that your loved ones will have no control over. Making a Will lets you choose and gives you peace of mind.
Sorting out the affairs of someone who has died without a Will is a long and complex process. During that time your loved ones would be unable to gain access to the money you intended for them. The resulting legal costs could even reduce the value of your estate. Making a Will helps them immeasurably.
A Will is an important legal document. The best way to ensure your wishes are correctly recorded and legally binding is to contact a solicitor.
If you would like to leave a gift to Devon Wildlife Trust you will need to do this in a Will.
What sort of a Gift would work best for me?
When you are writing a Will you may come across words or phrases for the first time that describe the type of gift you are making.
- Pecuniary gift. A gift of a fixed sum of money
- Specific gift. A gift of a specific item such as jewellery or a house or a painting etc.
- Residuary gift. A share of whatever is left once all debts and other gifts have been allocated. This is usually expressed as a percentage.
Your solicitor or professional Will writer will be familiar with these and can explain the options to help you plan your gifts.
Already have a Will? What is involved in updating it?
If you have already made a Will and would like to include a gift to Devon Wildlife Trust you should:-
- Contact your solicitor or professional Will writing service
- Provide details of the gift you wish to make
To leave a gift to Devon Wildlife Trust you will need to provide the following details:-
- Our address: Devon Wildlife Trust, Cricklepit Mill, Commercial Road, Exeter, Devon EX2 4AB
- Our charity number: 213224
When should I update my will?
It is suggested that you update your Will every 5 years, or when significant changes in your life take place, such as marriage, separation, having children, or when an executor named in your Will dies.
Are there tax implications to leaving a gift to charity?
It will depend on your own personal circumstances but there may well be tax benefits to leaving a gift to a charity in your Will. If you have a large estate above the inheritance tax threshold, or if you have a complex estate (e.g. trusts or foreign assets) you should speak with a solicitor. You can also find out more on HMRC website under inheritance tax.
What do I need to include if I want to leave a gift to Devon Wildlife Trust?
To make a gift in your Will to Devon Wildlife Trust you will need to give your solicitor or professional Will writer the following details:-
Name and address of charity:- Devon Wildlife Trust, Cricklepit Mill, Commercial Road, Exeter, Devon, EX2 4AB
Registered Charity number:- 213224
Need help?
If you need help do call us or email us - we are here to help.
Hannah Best is our Legacy Officer and will be pleased to hear from you.
Call 01392 279244
Thank you
Thank you for considering a gift to Devon Wildlife Trust in your Will. We would be honoured to be included. It is up to you if you wish to let us know. Please email
If you do decide to tell us that you have left a gift in your Will to Devon Wildlife Trust, it gives us the opportunity to thank you and for you and your loved ones to see how your gift could help Devon’s wildlife.