UK General Election 2024


2024 UK General Election

What we're calling for

With a General Election now confirmed for 4th July, it’s crucial that nature’s voice is heard.

The UK is already classified as one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries, the next government will be responsible for turning this around.

We are calling upon all political parties to commit to a plan to finally halt and reverse this trend. Their policies must be targeted towards species recovery, addressing water pollution and funding wildlife-friendly farming, We want these asks to ensure all parties stand on a platform with nature’s recovery at its heart.

You can ensure nature is given the priority it deserves - whether you are a voter or a candidate, you've come to the right place! Find out all you need to know about The Wildlife Trusts' priorities and how you can act with nature in mind, below.

Resources for voters

Resources for candidates

Otter in river

Luke Massey

Nature hustings - meet your general election candidates

Hosted by Nick Bruce-White CEO, Devon Wildlife Trust organised a nature hustings to ask Prospective Parliamentary Candidates how they will stand up for nature and the environment.

Watch the recording here



Otter sitting on grass

Mike Perry

Priority number one

Bring back the UK’s lost wildlife

Immense pressure from decades of pollution and habitat loss has driven wildlife into catastrophic decline.

Find out more



false - Jon Hawkins – Surrey Hills Photography

Priority number two

End river pollution and water scarcity

The UK is ranked as one of the worst countries in Europe for water quality, with pollution beyond legal limits caused by a toxic cocktail of sewage and agricultural pollution.

Find out more




Cows grazing - Jon Hawkins – Surrey Hills Photography

Priority number three

Fund wildlife-friendly farming

By supporting farmers to shift towards regenerative, nature-friendly methods, farming has huge potential to deliver a green rural renewal.

Find out more

For voters

Right now, Prospective Parliamentary Candidates (PPCs) are preparing to stand for election to become your Member of Parliament (MP) in the next government. They will be vying for your attention - and your vote!

They need to understand how important nature and healthy wild spaces are to you. They should want to impress you with their plans to tackle climate change and to bring wildlife back to your neighbourhood.

Below are some links to help you find out who you can vote for, information about your local area and score your local candidates.

Nature, who cares?

Prospective Parliamentary Candidates (PPCs) will be door knocking until the General Election on Thursday 4 July. We have prepared posters which you can put in your window, and use to ask your local candidates what they will do to restore nature.

Beaver poster Robin poster Seal poster

For candidates

Devon Wildlife Trust is calling upon all political parties to commit to a plan to finally halt and reverse the decline in wildlife.

Download Devon Wildlife Trust's manifesto

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The vital work we do for nature depends on the support of people who care about the future of Devon's wildlife and wild places

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