Landkey is a small village in North Devon and since September 2022 has formed a hedgehog group. The aim of the group is to raise awareness of the needs of hedgehogs and how we can all support their population. The group has grown from an initial attendance of 6 to over 18 at monthly meetings and over 90 followers on Facebook. The group has formed partnerships with South Molton Men’s Shed, North Devon Biosphere, Hedgehog Rescue centres and the local primary schools.
Wilder Diaries: Helping hedgehogs in Landkey

During the winter months, although hedgehogs may be hibernating, we have given talks to two local primary schools on hibernation and to the local Women's Institute. The Men’s Shed build beautiful hedgehog homes and feeding stations and one has been delivered to the village allotment society.

We are planning an open event in March in the village hall as a meet and chat event. The purpose is to encourage residents to pop along share their stories of hedgehogs, ask questions and seek advice. We will also be choosing the winning hedgehog design as drawn by children of Landkey School which will then subsequently be on banners and other promotional materials.
The group, to add to our existing data, will be doing a road by road survey asking people if they have hedgehogs in their garden, whether they have a hedgehog highway and if not see if they would like advice and help on creating one. We aim to have Landkey as one of the most hedgehog connected villages in Devon!
The group continues to grow and brings together people of all ages. New friendships are formed and partnerships created all due to this beautiful spiny mammal, the hedgehog.

Join us in making Devon the most hedgehog-friendly county! Help boost Devon’s hedgehog population by doing something to help hedgehogs in your garden - you can start by downloading the guide below which is filled with ideas and inspiration.