Following a community consultation around a Neighbourhood Development Plan, Exminster Green Spaces Group was formed in 2014 to help enhance green spaces in the village for both people and wildlife. Over recent years there has been a growing emphasis on helping wildlife and increasing biodiversity. Leading the volunteer team is Jeremy Pyne, who has been involved with the group since 2017. We chatted to Jeremy about his #TeamWilder journey so far…
How did you get involved with the community?
I was looking for something outside of my day job to get actively involved in locally. Having lived in Exminster for over 30 years, I wanted to get out and do something physical that would also have a positive impact on my surroundings, so working with the Exminster Green Spaces Group on tasks such as hedge work, tree planting and bulb planting felt like a really good opportunity.
How does it feel to be part of the community?
It’s great! You meet some really nice people, you’re out and about in the open air which helps get rid of some frustrations and stresses from life. I get a tremendous amount of enjoyment out of it, and some things we do, like planting a tree, could potentially be there for many years which is a really nice thought.