Photo, David Tipling/2020Vision
Dragonflies in Devon - an illustrated talk with Dave Smallshire
Dave will give us an illustrated overview of the biology and identification of the dragonflies and damselflies to be found in Devon.
Fritillary butterflies - thank you
Project takes flight to save rare butterflies
Devon Wildlife Trust is hoping to turn around the fortunes of four of the county’s rarest butterflies.
How to attract butterflies to your garden
Provide food for caterpillars and choose nectar-rich plants for butterflies and you’ll have a colourful, fluttering display in your garden for many months.
Small white
The small white is a common garden visitor. It is smaller than the similar large white, and has less black on its wingtips.
Emperor dragonfly
The emperor dragonfly is an impressively large and colourful dragonfly of ponds, lakes, canals and flooded gravel pits. It flies between June and August and even eats its prey on the wing.
New report reveals hedgehogs, yellowhammers and dragonflies at risk post-EU Exit
New report reveals that there are no clear plans on how regulation gaps will be plugged to protect nature.
Golden-ringed dragonfly
A voracious predator that will even eat other dragonflies, the golden-ringed dragonfly is the UK's longest species. It can be found around acidic streams in moorland and heathland habitats.…
Wilder Future: a mole's view
It’s a crisp, early spring morning of watery sun and rippling bird song. The April greens are at their sharpest, the leaves of every plant impossibly lush. The flowers pushing themselves up among…
Wilder Diaries: Pinhoe View Hospital
Pinhoe View Hospital in Exeter provides care across two wards for people who have enduring mental health problems. Each ward at the hospital has access to its own garden. Through Nextdoor Nature…