Resource Library
My inspiration
Tony, environmentalist and author, gets inspiration from being outside. His dogs do too. Growing up with a passion for the natural world, progressing to ornithology, a deep and growing conviction…
Exceptional Estuaries
Pine Martens Schools
Here you can download the four key stage curriculum linked resource packs, which are available to download for FREE! These packs have been designed to be used as part of curriculum delivery and are themed around woodland habitat and a magnificent mammal, the pine marten.
Wildlife, planning and development
Large parts of civil society are united in opposition to the Retained EU Law Bill – it’s time the UK Government listened
The Wildlife Trusts urge the UK Government to withdraw the Retained EU Law Bill (REUL). Along with others across industry, business, unions and charities, we believe this bill will endanger rights…
How to grow a wild patch or mini meadow
Whether it's a flowerpot, flowerbed, wild patch in your lawn, or entire meadow, planting wildflowers provides vital resources to support a wide range of insects that couldn't survive in…
Planning Applications - Frequently Asked Questions
Devon Nature Reserves Fund
Prime Minister challenged to fast-track not back-track on support for farmers and nature
• Ahead of an expected announcement on farming policy review, nature groups are urging the new Prime Minister to maintain Environmental Land Management scheme (ELMs) funding now and increase…
Peat-free compost a hit with gardeners in Okehampton!
Despite thirty years of campaigning against peat extraction and increased public outcry, peat still accounts for a significant volume of the growing media for amateur and professional horticulture…