Exe Reed Beds
Great views across reedbeds and the spectacular Exe Estuary. One of the largest tidal reedbeds in Devon and one of the best for birds.
Photo, David Tipling/2020Vision
Great views across reedbeds and the spectacular Exe Estuary. One of the largest tidal reedbeds in Devon and one of the best for birds.
Paths and boardwalks allow you to get among the reed beds and ponds of this wetland reserve.
Listen out for the 'chattering' song of the reed warbler, while wandering the UK's lowland wetlands in summer. A small, brown bird, they are quite hard to see.
A streaky brown bird, the reed bunting can be found in wetlands, reedbeds and on farmland across the UK. Males sport black heads and a white 'moustache'.
The extensive, golden-brown reedbeds that are formed by stands of Common reed are a familiar sight in our wetlands. They provide an important home for many species, including the rare Bittern.
Devon Wildlife Trust announces that its nature reserves will remain open during lockdown, but the message is people should stay local and observe national lockdown restrictions.
Reed sweet-grass is a towering grass with large, loose flower heads that can be found on marshy ground near rivers, streams and ponds. It can become invasive, but does shelter various aquatic…
Forests of kelp sway in shallow sunlit waters, offering shelter to a host of sea life from tiny worms to juvenile fish.
We're proud to reveal our latest and 58th nature reserve: Ideford Common.