Photo, David Tipling/2020Vision
Pet owners urged to help keep wildlife and livestock safe this spring
Devon Wildlife Trust asks the public to keep dogs on leads to protect nature.
Nature reserves remain open, but keep it local
Devon Wildlife Trust announces that its nature reserves will remain open during lockdown, but the message is people should stay local and observe national lockdown restrictions.
Compass jellyfish
It's easy to see where the compass jellyfish got its name – its brown markings look just like a compass! They may look beautiful – but they give a nasty sting so keep your distance.
Harbour porpoise
Despite being a little shy, these amazing marine mammals can be spotted close to shore in shallow waters. If you do get close, keep an eye out for the loud ‘chuff’ noise they make as they come to…
Cushion star
It's easy to see where this small starfish got its name, it really does look like a little star-shaped cushion. Keep an eye out under rocks next time you're rockpooling for this little…
Paws for thought!
The Wildlife Trusts and Dogs Trust launch advice to encourage owners to keep their pooches on leads during nesting season from February until August.
My dog
Jamie fell in love with wildlife taking his dog for walks at Attenborough Nature Reserve as a young boy to keep him occupied. Now he is inspiring the next generation working with the Keeping It…
Beadlet anemone
Have you ever seen those dark red jelly blobs whilst rockpooling? These incredible creatures are beadlet anemones! They live attached to rocks all around the coast of the UK, the base of their…
My office
Gary is the Badger Edge Vaccination Scheme (BEVS) Project Manager for Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. He is injecting badgers to protect them against bovine tuberculosis (bTB) to help curb the…