Hello Team Wilder

A group of people taking part in the Big Spring Sow with text overlaying them saying 'Hello #TeamWilder - The people behind Wilder Communities'

Emily Perryman

Meet your fellow wilders!

Meet your fellow wilders who have taken that first step on their journey to becoming a wilder community. Find out how they got started, what they are up to, the challenges they faced, and what it means to them to be part of a wilder community!

Group of people, aged 50+, smiling and holding cups in heath and wooded area

Jon Hawkins – Surrey Hills Photography

Want to share your story for #TeamWilder?

Are you part of a wilder community and want to inspire others to take action for nature? We'd love to hear about what inspired you, how you got started and your journey so far. Get in touch with the team now:

Email us!

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The vital work we do for nature depends on the support of people who care about the future of Devon's wildlife and wild places

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